

Contact Your Local Vetwest

Vetwest Animal Hospitals are located in 16 convenient locations around Perth and Mandurah. If you’ve visited a Vetwest clinic before your pet’s records are available at all Vetwest veterinary hospitals.

Pet Emergencies After-Hours

If you have a pet emergency and it is during our open hours please call your local Vetwest clinic for advice.

On Sundays – Vetwest Cockburn, Vetwest Midland and Vetwest Whitfords are open on Sundays from 8 am – 5 pm

On Public Holidays – Vetwest Cockburn, Vetwest Midland and Vetwest Whitfords are open on most public holidays from 8 am – 5 pm. We are closed on Christmas Day. Google your Vetwest clinic for for up to date open hours.


Why does the price vary for dogs of different sizes or weight?2023-01-30T20:54:24+10:30

Vaccinations and parasite control products used in the Total Wellness Plan are tailored to suit your dog’s size. The plan prices are a reflection of the products required by your pet.

If I join the Total Wellness Program is there a waiting period before I can bring my pet in to see the vet?2023-01-30T20:53:13+10:30

No, there is no waiting period. You can bring your pet in to see us to start using your included consultations immediately.

Transporting a Bird to the Vet2023-04-06T18:01:35+09:30

What’s the best way to bring your bird into the veterinarian?

Here’s our top tips for bringing your pet into see us.

  • Take your bird in their own cage without removing any toys.
  • Leave food in the cage but remove water.
  • Do not clean the cage, as valuable diagnostic evidence may be destroyed.
  • Take with you any remedies or medicine you have given at home.
  • Be prepared to answer questions in relation to the wellness of your pet, feeding, environment and length of illness.

For more information please contact our healthcare team.

What if my pet’s condition requires subsequent visits?2023-01-30T18:41:59+10:30

Subsequent visits or revisits are included in the Total Wellness Plan. How good is that!

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