Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Veterinary Medicine
If you are looking for a complementary or alternative treatment for your pet our very own Dr Erika Sullivan is certified in both Veterinary Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Veterinary Medicine.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice involving the precise placement of acupuncture needles into points (called “acupoints”), which are located in specific locations on the body along energy channels (called “meridians”), which circulate the animal’s vital life force (called “Qi”), in an attempt to stimulate the animal’s own body to heal.
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is useful for conditions of pain, paralysis and inflammation originating from non-infectious causes. Some of the common problems I treat small animals for, include:
– Musculoskeletal conditions (osteoarthritis, nerve trauma, intervertebral disc disease)
– Psychological conditions causing inflammation (stereotypies, acral lick dermatoses)
– Respiratory conditions (bronchitis, feline asthma)
– Gastrointestinal conditions (pancreatitis, diarrhoea)
What is Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine?
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is the study that explains the body as having a continual flow of energy (“Qi”) that travels through each Meridian (energy channels). When the distribution of Qi is equal, the body has achieved harmonious balance of Yin and Yang. Some organ systems relate to Yin (parts lower than the head, dark, cool) and the others relate to Yang (high on the animal’s body, hot, energised). The Meridians are named after the organ system it follows and are paired in a corresponding Yin -Yang relationship for balance.
The order in which Meridians are listed follows the direction of flow of Qi, specifically: Lung (yin) – Large Intestine (yang) – Stomach (yang) – Spleen (yin) – Heart (yin) – Small Intestine (yang) – Bladder (yang) – Kidney (yin) – Pericardium (yin) – Triple Heater (yang) – Gall Bladder (yang) – Liver (yin). There are also eight extraordinary Meridians, two having their own Acupoints: Governing Vessel (yang) – Conception Vessel (yin).
When there is pathway interference to the flow of Qi, Yin and Yang are thrown out of balance, resulting in either an Accumulation or Deficiency in the organ system preceding or following it… This causes illness.
What Conditions May Benefit From Chinese Herbal Veterinary Medicine?
In TCVM, CHM is said to perform the functions of; balancing yin and yang (restoring imbalance), fighting infections (strengthening immune responses), restoring and improving Qi (energy, blood, and vital source), nourishing the blood and restoring circulation, removing toxin accumulations in the body, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients, and improving genetic weakness, such that susceptibilities as a result are less frequent.
As a result, it is not uncommon to that such therapy is sought for inflammatory disorders (like osteoarthritis, pain, and musculoskeletal disorders), cancer (neoplasia), autoimmune conditions (hyper or hypo reactive immune system), allergies, endocrine disease (diabetes, thyroid disorders, liver diseases, etc), and/or behavioural / cognitive imbalances (psychological enhancement through restoration of circulation).
Ultimately, we will obtain a complete thorough history and TCVM examination on your pet and prescribe a tailored treatment approach that suits your own and your pet’s needs.