Did you know … cats have 280 degree peripheral vision, a cat’s nose pad is ridged that is unique, similar to a human fingerprint. Find out more amazing feline facts here….
- There are over 100 different cat breeds
- Cats can see up to 120 feet away. Their peripheral vision is about 280 degrees
- The oldest cat known, lived to the grand age of 36
- The average age for an indoor cat is 15 years while the average age for an outdoor cat is only 3-5 years
- Blue eyed cats are often prone to deafness
- Cats lap liquid from the underside of their tongue rather than from the top when drinking
- The largest breed of cat is the Ragdoll. Males weigh 12-20 pounds, with females weighing 10-15 pounds
- At birth, kittens can’t see or hear
- Cats can see in colour – they are partially colour blind
- A quivering cats tail is the greatest sign of love a cat can give you
- A cat can jump 5 times as high as it is tall
- If a cat snores, or rolls over on his back to expose his belly it means it trusts you
- Cats respond more readily to names that end in an “ee” sound
- Compared to a dog’s 10 vocalisation sounds (approx), cats have 100 different vocalization sounds
- Cats purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine, approx 26 cycles per second
- Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the principles of gravity, also invented the cat flap
- A cat will almost never “meow” at another cat. This sound is mostly reserved for humans
- Cats have the largest eyes of any mammal in relation to body size
- Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals. They spend an average of 16 hours sleeping each day
- The nose pad of a cat is ridged in a pattern that is unique, just like the fingerprint of a human