The German Shorthaired Pointer is a powerful, agile, well-balanced dog, possessing great intelligence and animation. Not happy as a lapdog or flat dweller, he/she needs space to stretch out and have a good gallop. Friendly and affectionate, the “G.S.P.”, as they are often popularly known, make a quiet, companionable and easy-going member of the household provided you can give him/her lots of daily exercise.




From 18-25kg


Gentle yet active, the German Shorthaired Pointer adores human contact. Intelligent and quick learners, they are easy to train and will excel in agility sports.


10-12 years

Grooming and care

The short smooth coat, mostly seen in the distinctive liver colour with white flecks and also a sleek solid chocolate colour is very maintenance. The coat can be brushed on a regular basis and bathed as required. Examine the ears at least once a week.


As exceptionally active breed, we recommend at least one hour’s walk a day, and where possible two walks a day.

Health concerns

For the latest research in breed-related problems in GSP’s visit the University of Sydney’s website.