Bringing your pet in for surgery or procedure
The following video and page outlines the important aspects of your pet's upcoming surgery or procedure. It includes things you need to think about prior to the day and what to expect [...]
Elizabethan or buster collars – protecting your pet
Your veterinarian may recommend using an Elizabethan collar or buster collar. These collars come in various sizes are lightweight and designed to help animals recover safely after they have had surgery, been [...]
Bringing Your Pet in For Surgery – Rabbit
Species such as rabbits and ferrets and other pocket pets have quite different requirements prior to surgery to our dogs and cats. Unless otherwise advised by your veterinarian please: Ferrets: fast for 4 [...]
Castration or vasectomy for your pet?
ABOUT MALE DOG AND CAT CASTRATION Canine and Feline castration involves the removal of the testes. It involves a day procedure whereby your pet will be under general anaesthesia for about 10 [...]
Caring for your pet after surgery
Just like humans, recovery after surgery can be an uncomfortable experience for our pets. Therefore it is up to you and your family at home, to aid them in their recovery by [...]