Many of us love the warm and sunny weather, as do the majority of cats. When the temperature becomes extreme, here are some steps you can take to keep your cat safe and comfortable in the heat.


Make sure your cat has plenty of fresh water. Replacing the water a few times a day can encourage your cat to drink, and placing multiple bowls around the house and garden will ensure that water is within easy reach and always available in case others are spilt or run out.


Most cats will enjoy a snooze in the sunshine and then retire to a shady spot when they get too hot. Ensure your cat has a few cool and shady spots to retreat to around the house and garden. Also, don’t be surprised if you find your cat lying on the tiles on the kitchen floor or the bathroom. Tiles and materials such as porcelain keep cool and so cats will gravitate towards them when they are a little too hot.


Simply opening the windows to let in a breeze can help provide a cool area to rest. Household fans can also be a comfortable addition to the house for your cat. If your cat gets too hot, they will appreciate the breeze blowing through their fur to keep cool. If your house is not air-conditioned during the summer heat, try putting a frozen water bottle in front of the fan.

Elevate your cat’s bed. Cloth-covered plastic frames with short legs will allow your cat to sleep in comfort during hot weather, and the air passing under the bed will help to you’re your cat cool.


Brush your cat often. A well-groomed tangle-free coat will help to keep your cat cool.

If your cat has long fur, consider professional clipping to help ease their suffering during summer. White and light-coloured cats also have very pale skin and can be subject to sunburn. Talk to your veterinarian about whether giving your cat a clip could help to keep them cool in the hot weather. Another option is to have only the tummy clipped, which offers sun protection as well as cooling.

You may also want to try taking a damp washcloth or paper towel and stroking your cat with it. Most cats don’t mind a little bit of moisture on their fur, especially when they notice how it can cool them off. In fact, one of the ways cats cool themselves down is by grooming, which is nothing more than wetting their fur with saliva rather than water.

5. ICE

If you’re going to be away all day put three or four ice cubes into your cat’s water bowl before you head out.

Fill a small drink bottle with cold water and leave it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, wrap the bottle in a towel and put it in your cat’s favourite lounging spot. Don’t fill the bottle to the top, as the water expands when it freezes and may pop the bottle open.


Always check sheds and greenhouses before shutting doors. Cats can find their way inside if they are looking for a shady spot to cool down in, and it is best to avoid trapping them inside as they could become dehydrated or overheat.

The same goes for checking cars. If you leave your windows open to let the car cool down, always check that a cat hasn’t snuck inside before you drive away.

Ensure that your cat is microchipped so that if they end up locked in someone else’s shed or wanders off, you can both be reunited as quickly as possible.


Symptoms of heatstroke include excessive panting, lethargy, drooling, fever, vomiting, collapse or unconsciousness. If you are worried about your cat or suspect they are suffering from heatstroke, please call us immediately and our pet healthcare team will assist you.