Exercise is important at every stage in your pet’s life including their senior years. You may need to adjust the frequency and intensity of the exercise as a pet ages but it is important to maintain a regular exercise program. If your pet doesn’t use their muscles, and move freely on a regular basis, they will lose muscle mass and tone. This adds to the ageing process and eventually your pet will find it even more difficult to move about.

Shorter, more frequent walks or swims can help keep your dog in shape and his weight under control.

If your pet has arthritis or is often stiff and sore, considering providing a ramp to get up and down from raised areas such as vehicles or furniture. It will be much easier on their joints, and allow them to maintain some of the adventure they enjoyed as youngsters.

If you have noticed your pet is limping it is a good indication they are in pain or are experiencing discomfort. Continuing to exercise your pet whilst they are limping and/or are experiencing pain can cause further damage. Speak to our veterinary health care team as soon as possible and similarly if you are unsure about the amount of exercise your pet should undertake, please feel free to contact us.