Mandarin/Cantonese speaking Vet – Dr Stanley Chau!

 If you need a Cantonese or Mandarin speaking Vet, request Dr Chau as your regular Veterinarian!

Originally from Hong Kong, Stanley is fluent in both written and verbal Cantonese and Mandarin. Please advise at booking if you would like to book in with Stanley specifically – he is available at both the Goodwood Road and Trinity Gardens clinics.


周医生能以流利的英语、粤语和普通话(书面和口头形式)进行交流。如果您想专门与Stanley预约,请在预订时告知 – 他在Goodwood Road和Trinity Gardens诊所都有服务。


周醫生能以流利的英語、粵語和普通話(書面和口頭形式)進行交流。 如果你想專門與Stanley預約,請預訂時告知緊-佢喺Goodwood Road同Trinity Gardens診所都有服務。